After Erik Paulsen charges CEOs with sex harassment cover up, the blowtorch comes out

Paulsen’s scorched-earth tactics make the Huns look like male cheerleaders. But when he set his guns on corporate leaders, they fired back Credit: WCCO screengrab

The ad opens with foreboding tones and black-and-white photos, telegraphing to the viewer that great fiendishness is at hand.

It goes on to explain his term as board chairman of Allina Heath, where, 11 years ago, seven nurses sued the nonprofit for “lewd comments, groping, and even assault.” (Message: Is Dean Phillips a pervert?)

But “Phillips and the board did nothing,” the ad concludes. (Message: Why isn’t “Shady Dean Phillips” on the sex offender registry yet?)

View the complete October 18 article by Kete Kotz on the CityPages website here.

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