Adam Schiff, a Trump Punching Bag, Takes His Case to a Bigger Ring

Mr. Schiff leads the impeachment inquiry into President Trump. Depending on one’s viewpoint, he will either save the republic — or destroy it.

LOS ANGELES — The crowd was buzzing with Hollywood types — the actress Patricia Arquette, the producer Norman Lear — at a private film screening on Sunset Boulevard one recent Sunday afternoon. But here in liberal America, the biggest celebrity in the room was not someone who makes a living in what people call “the industry.”

It was Representative Adam B. Schiff, the strait-laced former federal prosecutor who was on the brink of prosecuting his biggest defendant yet: President Trump.

These are heady but perilous days for Mr. Schiff, the inscrutable and slightly nerdy chairman of the House Intelligence Committee, who is leading the impeachment inquiry into Mr. Trump. Adored by the left, reviled by the right, he has become a Rorschach test for American politics. Depending on one’s point of view, he is either going to save the republic, or destroy it.

View the complete November 3 article by Sheryl Gay Stolberg and Nicholas Fandos on The New York Times website here.

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