2020 Precinct Caucuses and Presidential Primary

In 2020, there will be both precinct caucuses and a presidential primary. Minnesota’s precinct caucuses took place February 25.  Our Presidential Primary will be held on Super Tuesday, March 3.

What Happens Next?

At the senate district convention, in addition to endorsing candidates, you can run for to be a delegate to the 3rd Congressional District convention.  Again, resolutions will be voted on.  Delegates elected at this convention go on to the state DFL convention.

At the state DFL convention, people will vote on delegates to the national convention, as well as resolutions.  Resolutions passed at the state convention become part of the state DFL party platform.What’s a Presidential Primary and Why Should I Vote?

This year, rather than a straw ballot at caucuses, there will be a presidential primary election to allot the delegates to endorse the 2020 Democratic president to run against Donald Trump at the national convention in Milwaukee.

Here’s a posting of the candidates for the 2020 Democratic endorsement for president.

You can early vote for this election from  January 17 through March 2, 2010. Here’s information on how to do this.

You can also vote by mail.  Here’s information on how to do this.

Election Day will be Tuesday, March 3, 2020 (Super Tuesday).  Polls will be open form 7:00 AM to 8:00 PM. Not certain where you vote? Check here.

Unlike a general election where all candidates are listed, you will need to ask for a Democratic ballot. As Minnesotans, we’ve not had to do this before. It will help minimize Republican crossover to vote for candidates they believe are weakest (yes, politics is a full contact sport and this stuff happens).

2020 DFL Platform Resolution Form:
2020 Democratic National Convention Statement of Candidacy Form: https://www.dfl.org/wp-content/uploads/2019/09/2020-DEMOCRATIC-NATIONAL-CONVENTION-STATEMENT-OF-CANDIDACY-2019-09-24_Call_FINAL_Rev_A_adopted_21_September_2_003_2-end.pdf

Not Registered to Vote?  No Problem!

In Minnesota, you may able to register to vote online, you can also register at your municipal City Clerk’s office up to 20 days before , or on Election Day.  Here’ information on how you can do this (what you need to bring with you).

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