Criminality in Trump’s circle is unprecedented. Steve Bannon is just the latest charged.

Bannon’s arrest is the latest in a long line of criminal charges involving Trump confidants. This level of criminality surrounding a president is unparalleled.

In many ways it sounds like the plot of a cheap crime novel. The evil mastermind devises a scheme to fleece the unsuspecting public of millions of dollars. He lies to the public repeatedly about how the money they send him is going to be used. He hides the payments that he makes to himself and his co-conspirators behind a series of false invoices and fictitious nonprofit companies. In the end, he’s arrested while sitting on a boat owned by a mysterious exiled Chinese businessman.

But this isn’t the stuff of fiction. It’s the outline of the allegations against Steve Bannon, President Donald Trump’s former campaign chief, and his alleged co-conspirators. Together, the defendants are said to have created a GoFundMe site, “We Build The Wall,” that promised to collect money from Americans and use it to help build President Donald Trump’s proposed border wall on the southern border with Mexico. 

To reassure their donors, Bannon and Brian Kolfage, one of the indicted co-conspirators, repeatedly told the public that all of the money would go “directly to the wall!!! Not anyone’s pocket,” and that they would “take $0” from the funds for themselves. Bannon, Kolfage and their two co-defendants allegedly approved these statements (as the indictment puts it) “precisely because they understood and expected that donors would rely upon these representations, which were intended to maximize the fundraising potential of We Build The Wall.”  Continue reading.

Trump’s D.C. Hotel Jacked Up Its Prices as Trump Began Plotting a D.C.-Based Convention

The president hasn’t committed to giving his acceptance speech at the White House. But his nearby hotel has conspicuously begun charging way more for the weekend it’s scheduled.

As President Donald Trump hints that he plans to deliver his nomination speech from the White House on Aug. 27, the hotel bearing his name down the street is making a power play of its own: spiking its room rates by more than 60 percent for those convention dates. 

Listings for rooms at the Trump International Hotel in D.C., via, show rooms for one adult on the night of the address starting at $795 and running as high as $2,070.

That price tag represents a massive increase from the $495 starting rate currently offered for the dates one week following and one week prior. For three days before Trump’s scheduled speech—which were originally scheduled to be the dates of the GOP convention in Charlotte, North Carolina—the hotel is charging $695 a night for its cheapest room. The hotel will begin charging $795 that Thursday, and continue through the weekend, before dropping back to $495 on Monday. Continue reading.

Paul Krugman explains how life is getting ‘rapidly worse’ for millions of Americans as the GOP cheers the stock market

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Although the coronavirus crisis has brought double-digit unemployment to the United States, some affluent Americans are continuing to prosper in the stock market. Liberal economist Paul Krugman addresses that disparity in his New York Times column this week, noting how the wide gap between the haves and have-nots continues during the pandemic.

Krugman points out that earlier this week, the S&P 500 “hit a record high” — and Apple “became the first U.S. company in history to be valued at more than $2 trillion.” He quickly adds, however, that “the economy probably doesn’t feel so great to the millions of workers who still haven’t gotten their jobs back and who have just seen their unemployment benefits slashed.”

“The $600-a-week supplemental benefit enacted in March has expired, and Trump’s purported replacement is basically a sick joke,” Krugman explains. “Even before the aid cutoff, the number of parents reporting that they were having trouble giving their children enough to eat was rising rapidly. That number will surely soar in the next few weeks. And we’re also about to see a huge wave of evictions, both because families are no longer getting the money they need to pay rent and because a temporary ban on evictions, like supplemental unemployment benefits, has just expired.” Continue reading.

Are You Registered to Vote?

The first step in casting your ballot this November 3 is to be certain you’re registered to vote.

In Minnesota, you can check online to verify you’re registered at the address you currently live here.

You can vote in Minnesota if you’re a U.S. citizen, at least 18 years old on Election Day (November 3, 2020), lived in Minnesota for at least 20 days, finished all parts of any felony sentence, under guardianship and a judge hasn’t specifically revoked your right to vote.

How do you register to vote?

You can register three ways: online at the Minnesota Secretary of State’s website here, on paper using the forms you find here or on Election Day, find out how here.

Want to know what’s on your ballot?

Visit this website to find out what races will be on your ballot either early by mail or in person by voting early or this November at your polling location..

Trump’s claim he’ll send sheriffs to polling places is revealing in a lot of unintended ways

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On repeated occasions, President Trump has embraced a contentious idea following a question posed by a journalist. Sometimes, too, he will seize on one presented by someone like Fox News’s Sean Hannity, as he did on Thursday.

The two were discussing Trump’s favorite subject of late, his untrue allegations that the 2020 election will be subject to massive electoral and voter fraud. While Trump’s recent focus has been mail-in balloting, Hannity mentioned an older favorite: the idea that in-person voting is suspect.

“Are you going to have poll watchers?” Hannity asked his friend during an interview clearly aimed at pulling viewers away from simultaneous coverage of the Democratic convention. “Are you going to have an ability to monitor, to avoid fraud and cross check whether or not these are registered voters? Whether or not there’s been identification to know that it’s a real vote from a real American?” Continue reading.

Tensions flare as senators grill postmaster general

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Tensions flared on Friday as senators battled with Postmaster General Louis DeJoy, and each other, over reports of delayed mail and concerns about the looming November elections. 

DeJoy testified before the Senate Homeland Security and Governmental Affairs Committee, the first of two likely contentious appearances he’ll make before Congress over the next few days. 

Democrats have expressed fears that the reforms pushed by DeJoy were intended to slow mail-in ballots and help President Trump win reelection. Trump has repeatedly criticized voting by mail, suggesting that it leads to more fraud. Evidence does not support that assertion. Continue reading.

Fox cuts off Trump Jr. in middle of angry rant about dad’s ties to Jeffrey Epstein

Fox Business’s Maria Bartiromo kept trying to end an interview with the first son about Donald Trump’s ties to Jeffrey Epstein.

Donald Trump Jr. was abruptly cut off during an interview on Fox Business Wednesday morning, after he wouldn’t stop yelling about Donald Trump’s ties to accused child sex trafficker Jeffrey Epstein.

In the interview with Fox Business’ Maria Bartiromo, Trump Jr. was trying to tie former President Bill Clinton to Epstein, while downplaying Trump’s relationship with the billionaire who died in prison while awaiting trial for child sex trafficking charges.

“I see the media every day they flash the two pictures that exist of two billionaires, Jeffrey Epstein and my father, in New York City and they try to make that association,” Trump Jr. said. Continue reading.

World War II vet and NRA member: ‘Trump has been the worst president we’ve ever had’

A World War II veteran, lifetime Republican, and NRA member explains why he’s voting for Joe Biden

Donald Trump speaks often of how he loves veterans and supports them, despite raiding the pensions of veterans to fund his wall and misusingcharitable funds earmarked for them.

On Thursday night at the Democratic National Convention, 95-year-old Edward Good — a World War II veteran, lifetime Republican, NRA member, and a 2016 Trump voter — spoke about how he’ll be voting for Joe Biden for president.

I am Edward Good. I’m a veteran of World War II and of Korea. When I wear a uniform, I wear only two badges, my parachute wings, and the combat infantry badge. I did make combat jump over the Rhine in Germany and I’m proud of that. I have been a republican since the 1960s.

I’m a member of the NRA and voted for Trump. I think Trump has been the worst president we’ve ever had so I’ll be glad to see him go. I think Joe Biden will be a great leader for the United States.

Continue reading.

15 high-profile Republicans who want Joe Biden to win the White House

A significant number of Republicans say they plan to vote for the Democratic nominee this November.

At least 15 high-profile Republicans will back Democrat Joe Biden over Donald Trump in the presidential election in November.

On Monday, four former GOP officials are set to address the Democratic National Convention in support of Biden: former Ohio Gov. John Kasich, former New Jersey Gov. Christine Todd Whitman, former Rep. Susan Molinari of New York, and former California Republican gubernatorial nominee Meg Whitman.

Also on Monday, former Trump administration Homeland Security chief of staff Miles Taylor released a testimonial video for Republican Voters Against Trump backing Biden. Continue reading.

Postmaster General testifies that ballots will be prioritized for delivery

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Postmaster General Louis DeJoy on Friday said that ensuring mail-in ballots are delivered during elections this year is his ” No. 1 priority.”

The statement from the postmaster general comes as DeJoy has faced criticism of recent decisions made around reforming the Postal Service.

“As we head in the election season, I want to assure this committee and the American public that the Postal Service is fully capable and committed to delivering the nation’s election mail securely and on time,” DeJoy testified during a Senate Homeland Security and Governmental Affairs Committee hearing on the Postal Service. Continue reading.