Over the last week, one of the biggest stories in the country has focused on President Donald J. Trump’s demeaning of veterans. With multiple confirmations, CNN, Fox News, and NBC News, along with the originator of the story, the Atlantic, confirmed that Trump had made just those references during a trip to Paris, France during 2018.
The Trump campaign has denied this, of course, but the heart of this story is: how does the campaign prove that it would never endorse such a thing? Could the campaign show a moral center that recognizes that this is not a campaign problem, it is a character flaw that cannot be resolved with a sound byte? No. In fact, while denying the problem entirely, the Trump campaign stooped to incredible lows today, and it should sicken most Americans.
Director of Strategic Campaign Response, Francis Brennan, who helps manage the Trump War Room campaign, took to social media this morning to attack Vice President Biden this way: Continue reading.