Republicans Are Full of It About Their Health Care Agenda

The White House and the Republican National Committee are blatantly lying to voters about health care. The truth is that Republicans continue their health care sabotage and have tried to gut protections for people with pre-existing conditions — and they’re suing right now to allow insurers to deny those people coverage.  Read more Republicans who are full of it:

RNC Chairwoman Ronna McDaniel repeatedly denied that Republicans want to take away protections for people with pre-existing conditions.

McDaniel: “Now, they are using health care as a fear tactic, and they’re going across these states and saying Republicans are going to take away pre-existing conditions. It is just false. The president has said that is not true, and we’re combating that, that lie of Democrats.”

McDaniel: “Well, the Democrats have really tried to fearmonger on health care and tried to tell people that Republicans are going to take pre-existing conditions. It is flat-out false. The president has been on the stump refuting that. We have candidates sharing stories of their family members, of their kids, of their mothers who have pre-existing conditions. Of course we would never take away that right.”

New York Times: “It is Democrats, by passing the Affordable Care Act in 2010, who introduced meaningful protections for Americans with prior illnesses. And Republican officeholders have taken numerous actions that would tend to weaken those protections — in Congress, in states and in courts. The Trump administration introduced a sweeping new policy just last week that would allow states to sidestep Obamacare’s requirement to cover pre-existing conditions.”

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Former AG candidate Noah Johnson reminds people to vote for Keith Ellison

Keith’s former opponent, Noah Johnson of the Grassroots-Legalize Cannabis Party, dropped out of the race and endorsed Keith a few weeks ago. He released a video today asking folks to vote for Keith Ellison.

Even though Noah dropped out and endorsed Keith, he’s still going to be on the ballot, so we need to spread the word ourselves:

Top 10 GOP House seats most likely to flip in a blue wave

Republicans are scrambling to minimize their losses in Tuesday’s midterm elections in an effort to deny Democrats the 23 seats they need to recapture a majority in the House.

In recent weeks, Republican groups have redirected millions of dollars to competitive districts where their prospects appear brighter. Meanwhile, President Trump has gone to bat for several vulnerable GOP incumbents.

A handful of GOP lawmakers are fighting uphill battles for survival and appear likely to lose their seats, according to party strategists, with just days left before the vote.

Here are the 10 Republican incumbents seen as most likely to lose their seats:

View the complete November 2 article by Max Greenwood on the Hill website here.


This is what a good political ad looks like

Not since Paul Wellstone have we seen an ad that does so much to humanize a candidate as the one Minnesota DFL U.S. Sen. Amy Klobuchar issued Thursday with DFL congressional candidate Dean Phillips.

It’s not entirely clear whether the video is intended to support Phillips or Klobuchar, one in a tough race, the other in about as safe a race as Minnesota currently features. More than likely, the intent is to use Klobuchar’s coat tails.

But it’s a unique style we don’t see much of anymore.

Have a look.

View the original November 1 post by bob Collins on the MPR News website here.